A bad hangover…? Read on to know what you can do to reduce the pain.
It is a beautiful morning and the sparrows are chirping outside. But the only thing that you can feel it that someone is banging your head inside out, basically a case of a bad hangover. You promise yourself that you will never have another drink again if only the pain would go away immediately. Well, the fact is that neither the pain will disappear immediately, nor will you remember your promise of never drinking again once the pain subsides. What you do need immediately is some remedies available easily at home that will help with the pain.
Home Remedies for Hangovers
Here are some remedies that you can use to help with the hangovers:
Fruit Juice: Juice contains sugar in the form of fructose. A large glass of orange juice will help remove alcohol present in your body the next morning.
Honey: Like juice, honey too contains a high level of fructose. You can add honey is a glass of warm water or you could even have it with a couple of crackers.
B-Complex Vitamins – Excess drinking drains the body from vitamins. Clinical studies have shown that taking with B-complex vitamin tablets can help shorten the duration of the hangover.
Coffee: Drinking a couple of cups of coffee will help as coffee is a vasoconstrictor which helps in reducing the swelling of blood vessels which is actually responsible for the headache. Two cups of coffee is recommended which will reduce your headache considerably. Remember not to drink excess of coffee as you may end up with the side effects of coffee along with the side effects of alcohol which will take the situation from bad to worse.
Amino Acids: form the building blocks of protein and are usually depleted by excessive use of alcohol. Eating a small amount of carbohydrates will help bring the amino acids back in the bloodstream which will help you feel better. Amino acid capsules are also easily available at all health stores.
Water: It has been established that alcohol causes he body to dehydrate. Hence, it is very important that you drink lots of water the morning after to replace the water. It will also help a great deal if you drink lots of water before going to bed the previous night. I guess water is the only consumable item in the world the excess of which is always beneficial.
Aspirin: The evergreen answer to headaches during a hangover has always been aspirin. However, make it a point to take painkillers only incase of extreme headaches as it can turn into a habit if you are not careful. Also, ensure that the painkiller that you are taking is mild.
Soup: A bowl of soup or broth can be a life saver during hangovers. It will provide relief to your parched throat and will also contain all the necessary vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates that your body has lost due to the alcohol.
Willow Bark: If you are looking for an alternative form of treatment then chewing the bark of the willow is a good idea as the bark contains a natural form of salicylate which is an active part of the aspirin. When you chewing on the bark, salicylate is released. Ensure that you clean the bark well with cold water before chewing it.
Time: As always, time is the best healer. If you had a party on a Friday night and have the luxury of sleeping in late the next day then there cannot be a better form of treatment than just lying on your bed till the headache and the lousy feeling subsides. Do drink water if possible though.
Well, if you do know that you are going to drink excessively, then it will be a good idea to make sure that a remedy that suits you is handy and you will not have to look too far in the morning. Also, remember to drink on a full stomach as food slows down the absorption of alcohol into your bloodstream thereby reducing the amount of alcohol that reaches your brains and also helps in reducing the effects of a hangover. It is the best thing that you can do next to avoiding excessive drinking.
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