Want to lose weight in a short span with the help of rapid diet pills? This article will help you decide through the diet pill reviews and the best bets in the market.
Losing weight is an essential prerequisite these days. No matter what our age is, we all want to be in shape and stay fit. I am sure many of us undertake a number of fad diet plans and might succeed as well, but only on a short term basis. Trying rapid diet pills is an alternative to opt for. Fast diet pills or anti-obesity drugs or diet pills are nothing but fat burners and appetite suppressants. It is quite evident that fat burners help burn extra fats and the appetite or hunger is suppressed by the latter one. These pills not only help fat burning but provide antioxidants as well. Which are the diet pills that actually work? Let's find out by going through the diet pill reviews below.
Effective Diet Pills and Supplements
Fat Burners: These help in pulling down the extra fat by dissolving it. Xenadrine and Lipo-6 are the 2 fat burners that really work. If you follow the proper diet along with the dosages, you can surely reap the benefits.
Colon Cleansers: There are colon cleansers to lose weight. They help body cleansing by flushing out the undigested food and fecal matter from the colon of the intestine under the Ultimate Colon Cleanse Program.
Food Supplements: Certain healthy fats act as diet pills and help reduce weight.
Omega-3 Capsules: These help faster fat reduction by triggering the effect of the hormone Leptin. Alternatively, you can feed on fish like salmon, tuna, herring or dry fruits like walnut or hazelnut, etc. which are rich sources of omega-3.
Conjugated Linoleic Acids: These, in conjugation with workouts can do wonders, since they are best for reducing belly fats and getting flatter stomachs.
Gamma Linoleic Acids: Famous as an appetite suppressant; it triggers the activity of Serotonin.
Multi Vitamins: It is a proven fact that vitamin intake helps reduce weight owing to the sufficient nutrients it provides to the body.
Meal Replacements: These energy diet pills are ready made drinks or powders with appropriate amounts of carbohydrates, fats and proteins best suitable for a healthy body.
Some Popular and Effective Diet Pills Brands
Proactol Fat Binder: It's a fat binder fiber complex made from dehydrated leaves of the cactus Opuntia ficus-indica. It helps lose fat before it is digested in the body and lowers the cholesterol levels as well. It proves to reduce fat intake upto 28% and thus is regarded as the best diet pill that works.
Dosage: 9 pills per day
Price: $79.95
Phen375 Fat Burner: It is one of the most effective diet pills manufactured, since it helps lose bulk of fat in less time. It also increases body metabolism and acts as an appetite suppressant.
Dosage: 2 pills per day
Price: $69.95
PureAcaiBerry: It is grown as acai berries on the palm tree branches in the form of clusters. It's highly effective in "freeze dried" form. Popular as a colon cleanser, it helps in flushing of the toxins from the body. Not only does it reduce fat, but helps in reduction of fatigue, enhances antioxidant supply and acts as an energy booster. It speeds up digestion as well as the metabolism.
Dosage: 1500 mg per day
Price: $54.95
UniqueHoodia Appetite Suppressant: This Hoodia diet pill is pure and 100% Hoodia gordonii consisting of number of substances of which p57 is the most important that helps kill your hunger. It facilitates reduction of body mass, body weight and BMI as well. Each of its capsule contains 460 mg of hoodia.
Dosage: 3 pills per day
Price: $54.95
Capsiplex: This healthy trim diet pill is made up of red and black pepper extract, caffeine and naicin. Capsiacin present in capsicum and caffeine increase your body temperature owing to faster fat burning whereas naicin prevents production of fat cells as well as lowers cholesterol levels. The capsules are coated in such a way that the burning sensation is not felt.
Dosage: 1 pill per day
Price: $44
Diet Pill Reviews
Let me clarify that all diet pills are not foolproof. Diet pills are more popularly consumed by women than men, according to statistical records. The diet pill reviews for women suggests that only 10% pills are effective that to when one changes her lifestyle accordingly (proper diet and exercise). The diet pills' popularity particularly depends on the effectiveness of the pills apart from factors like diet pill side effects, cost-friendly, good result, and safety. The amounts of ingredients making up the diet pills is the most important aspect for any diet pill to be a success. Some people might develop allergic responses and others could suffer from nausea or diarrhea due to this. Having said this, best diet pill reviews prove them to be a success only when they suit a particular body type. However, the bottom line is, it's always better to have a balanced diet and exercise regularly to reduce fat. Indulging in these pills is a secondary option with no guaranteed results. Below are the best diet pills that work fast according to the diet pill reviews.
Top Rated Diet Pills
Best Diet Pills of 2010
Diet Pills for Women
Diet Pills for Men
7 Day Slimming Pill
Body Sculpture
Burn Weight Loss Pills
Orovo X-treme
Acai Berry
Many diet pills might just fool you with their hype, so make sure you use the best diet pills on the market. After having known the diet pill reviews and the diet pills that work, choose and decide wisely. You might just get lucky with these!
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