Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why should we know our cholesterol level?

Cholesterol level in your blood closely related to your heart condition. It means that your cholesterol level will tell you whether you are in the risk of getting heart attack or not. As your cholesterol level increase, your risk of getting heart attack will increase too. Even when you are not in the groups of the people who have a heart disease, your heart condition in not in an ideal level. Many people have been killed by heart attack merely because of the high level of cholesterol in your blood. Most of them get this problem, usually because they are careless about their cholesterol level. They never put it in a high priority to be taken care of n their life.

Cholesterol is a kind of fat or similar to it in the blood. Cholesterol usually builds up in arteries. When the cholesterol content is too much, it will make your arteries narrower than it should be. As the result of this condition the blood flow will be slowed down. Next dangerous result will be a blood vessel block, that is your arteries block. Is it dangerous? Yes it is. Blood circulate to all over your body and it brings oxygen to the heart and all the cells. When it's blocked then the heart will no longer get the supply of oxygen to be circulated to all off your body cells. That's how a heart attack happens.

High cholesterol level in blood is almost undetectable, as it has no symptoms. That's why a lot of people don't even realize that their have a problem with their cholesterol level. So, what's to be done? All you need to do is visit your doctor regularly for a cholesterol check or even a general check for your health. It is important to know how your cholesterol level is, otherwise you never know what will happen to your heart. And how health it is. Keep cholesterol level in a stable condition, means ideal conditions will lower your risk of getting heart attack. No matter from what age level you are, your cholesterol level should be monitored.

Adult over 20 years old has more complicated cholesterol level check. It called lipoprotein. Your blood sample will be taken and analyzed. Then your cholesterol level will be recognized. You must not eat for 12 hours before you get the cholesterol test. Then what will the test tell us? It will tell us the total level of our cholesterol, including LDL or the bad cholesterol, and HDL or the Good cholesterol. One mode thing is your triglycerides level.

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