When people are not able to sleep the first thing they do is to go for sleeping pills. People consider this as an option after spending sleepless nights for a long period. And this makes them to believe that they have a sleep problem.
The point is that it is well known that sleeping pills are addictive in nature and if you continue to take them, the dosage that you may require to actually get to sleep will increase over time. Eventually, there comes a stage where the highest potency of the pill also does not help you sleep peacefully.
If this was not enough, sleeping pills are also known to cause side effects like drowsiness, lack of focus and slow motor reactions, which are basically symptoms of insomnia that you want to avoid in the first place.
This condition can be solved when you some awarness on the cause of sleeplessness. Thinking about what is keeping you awake is an introspection that is essential if sleeplessness needs to be attacked.
An uneven bed or environment can also trigger insomnia. Other than that it can also be caused by stress, anxiety or some medical problems.
There are also some natural herbs available which can relax the muscles and help the body to have a peaceful sleep. Having a warm glass of milk, taking bath in warm water and hearing soft music may lead to relax the nerves and in turn will lead to good sleep.
Catnip is an herb that causes mild sedation. It is a plant that you can actually grow in your own backyard and use when required. There are no doses that are recommended for catnip and you may have to work out how much you require.
Chamomile causes sleep due to the presence of a substance called apigenin. It is very safe herb as it is even recommended for breastfeeding and pregnant women. Chamomile tea has made chamomila very popular these days.
Hops, kava kava, passion flower, lavender, lemon balm and valerian root are also known to help in soothing anxious nerves. These can be found easily in herbal stores these days. What you need to do is to identify the herb that works best for you.
Apart from taking these herbs you should also have an lifestyle that is active. There is no better medicine than a tired body to sleep well. Please check what are the best things you can do to sleep well in our insomnia guide.
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