Laser cat declawing is an advanced technique to traditional declawing surgery. It not only reduces painful symptoms during and after the procedure, but also quickens the recovery period. To delve more on laser cat declawing, read on...
Cats of any breed have a natural instinct to scratch things, ranging from soft carpets to expensive furniture and other household items. In most cases, it is a concerning issue with indoor felines. In order to stop this frustrating behavior of clawing things, most pet owners look out for methods to stop scratching. A controversial, yet commonly opted choice is cat declawing procedure. This surgery involves removing the nail bed along with the third bone or phalange. So, it is more than just trimming or cutting nails.
Most people consider declawing as getting a manicure done, which is not so. Besides a very painful procedure, it causes abnormal changes in the cat behavior, posture and gait. After analyzing the complications of conventional cat declawing or onychectomy, veterinarians have come up with an advanced laser technique. According to them, laser cat declawing is less painful than the typical method. Nevertheless, the basic operation is similar to the traditional method, except for the equipment used in laser declawing.
Cat Declawing: Laser Surgery
Prior to the declawing surgery, the qualified vet examines the pets overall health. Based on this, an appropriate method will be prescribed for your feline. Laser cat declawing, a humane alternative, is performed by using laser beams. As a preparatory step, the pet will be administered general anesthesia and pain relieving medications. Then laser light of adequate strength is applied to disarticulate the phalange. Ultimately, the result is to amputate the claw and the last knuckle from which the claw develops. Know more on cat health.
Unlike conventional declawing, laser procedure causes less bleeding and pain. As soon as the bones are removed, the laser beam is used to seal off injured nerves and blood vessels. Thus, bandaging and dressing is often not necessary with cat declawing by laser surgery. During the recovery period, your pet should be given adequate rest to induce quick healing. Also, take time out to console your beloved pet. In case, your feline is in great pain, take advice from the vet for appropriate pain killers. You can read more on cat care.
The post operation conditions of laser cat declawing remain more or less similar to regular declawing procedure. One of the laser cat declawing facts is that it is more expensive than the traditional onychectomy. The average cost of laser cat declawing is about USD 350-500. This may vary depending upon certain aspects, such as location, experience of veterinarian and the clinic, where you are getting your pet declawed. Other than high laser cat declawing price, this technique poses less painful symptoms in the long run.
With laser declawing, it is not unusual to manifest burnt tissues and delayed healing, especially when performed by a less experienced vet. In case you are facing genuine problems with your cat's clawing habits, try cat declawing alternatives. They are much safer and less costly than traditional or laser cat declawing procedures. Training your beloved pet cat at early stages is the most practical solution. Other effective options to reduce scratching are, trimming nails regularly, making use of vinyl claws, spraying citrus and erecting scratching posts. Know more on cat training.
As far as controversies are concerned, laser declawing is still the subject of discussion amongst animal lovers. On the concluding note, declawing a cat, either by conventional or laser technique, is not a practical solution to scratching problems. By indulging in this procedure, you are amputating crucial parts of your feline. So, be a responsible cat owner and understand the pros and cons of laser cat declawing and conventional declawing, before making your feline suffer throughout his life.
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