Ulcerative colitis is an Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) that causes inflammation of the bowels. A diet plan can play a key role in curing a person suffering from this disease...
Ulcerative colitis affects the large intestine (the colon) and the rectum. This disease causes inflammation and sores called ulcers in the colon's inner lining and the rectal wall, which becomes red, swollen, and ulcerated. These ulcers later bleed and produce pus. Inflammation in the colon causes the colon to empty frequently, eventually causing diarrhea. It affects people of all age groups, but is usually more common between the ages of 15 and 30, and less between the ages of 50 and 70. Ulcerative colitis affects men and women equally and can also be hereditary.
Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis
The symptoms of ulcerative colitis mainly begin in the lower part of the bowels and then progress upwards. The improper assimilation of food due to this disease may cause nutritional problems and deficiency disorders. This will gradually result in nervous irritability, exhaustion and depression. It may also cause problems such as arthritis, inflammation of the eye, liver disease, and osteoporosis.
Some of the basic symptoms of this disease are:
Cramping abdominal pain
Bloody mucus in stools or diarrhea
Loss of appetite and weight loss
Rectal bleeding
Loss of body fluids and nutrients
Joints pain and impaired growth
Constipation and persistent diarrhea
Causes of Ulcerative Colitis
Some of the main causes that contribute to this disease are:
Abnormal immune system
Chronic constipation
Excessive use of purgatives
Poor digestion
Intake of antibiotics
Stress and hereditary
Diet for Ulcerative Colitis
Diet plays an important role in the treatment of ulcerative colitis. Here is a simple and easy diet plan which should be followed by colitis patients.
Fruit Juice Diet
A fresh fruit juice fast for five days or so will be a good initiative. The juices can be diluted with filtered or boiled water. Papaya juice, raw cabbage or carrot is exceptionally beneficial. Citrus juices should be avoided completely. The bowels should be cleansed regularly with warm water enema.
Well-balanced Small Meal
Cooked or steamed vegetables, coarsely-broken wheat, well-ripened fruits like banana and papaya, rice, yogurt and homemade cheese should be the main foods consumed during this diet regime. Gradually, add sprouted seeds and grains, raw vegetables and whole-meal bread to this diet after every 10 days. Coconut water is quite beneficial, as it is soothing to the soft mucosa of the colon. Cooked apples also helps in healing of ulcerative conditions, because it's a rich source of iron and phosphorus.
Well-balanced Wholesome Meal
Breakfast should comprise of ripe bananas or papaya and milk. Buttermilk can also be included. During mid-morning, the patient can have carrot or raw cabbage juice. Lunch should essentially comprise of steamed or lightly cooked vegetables, rice and buttermilk. In the mid-afternoon, the patient can resort to coconut water or fresh fruit juice. During dinner, salad of raw vegetables, sprouts like alfalfa and beans, homemade cheese and nuts can be eaten. Instead of raw vegetables, cooked ones like carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, beetroot and lettuce can also be considered.
Foods that must be excluded from this diet are: white bread, white sugar, white flour products, highly salted foods, highly seasoned foods, coffee, alcoholic beverages, strong tea and anything that is cooked in aluminum pans.
Useful Tips
The patient should have a bowel movement at the same time everyday and spend at least 10 to 15 minutes in this endeavor.
Too much straining at stools should be avoided.
Drinking two glasses of water in the morning will stimulate a normal bowel movement.
An enema can be used if no bowel movement occurs.
Buttermilk enema twice a week is also recommended, as it helps in re-installing a healthy bacterial flora in the colon.
Complete bed rest and plenty of liquids intake are very important. The patient should try and forget all other tensions, adjust and face the discomfort with patience.
Research suggests that ulcerative colitis can be an autoimmune disease, i.e. the body may be attacking its own healthy organs and tissues. Hence, it becomes essential to eliminate the causes relating to this disease by following a healthy diet regime and living a stress free life.
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