Short story about a teen dealing with depression...
Its amazing how one simple break up with a boy took her to hell.
She used to be so happy so cheerful so full of life and energy..
She turned to drugs, alcohol, shut out her family and friends,
left them to watch her as she suffered..
It was a crazy time for her, I still remember her first cut..
She was all alone, drunk.. Needed some way to express her self..
And she found it.. She was still in love with her first boyfriend,
Her first love..
He found pleasure in making her feel like nothing a slut.
So when that cold blade first touched her skin she felt a sigh of relief in her life.
For that one minute everything was okay..
She sat there for a while.. Watched the blood go down her arm..
Her once beautiful arm was now a mess... just like her life.. She kept going,
Soon enough she found her self cutting her self almost everyday..
As she lit another cigarette.. cried another tear.. drunk another drink
Everything went numb.. her family life was falling to pieces..
Her mum and dad had no clue what to do.. So they just let her go..
They didn’t know how bad she was until that one night..
When all hope was lost..
She took to many pills that night..
She died that night..
Leaving her family to suffer..
She wrote them a letter..
Telling them its not there fault..
She told them how much she loved them..
And how one day they'll join her in heaven as well..
From that day on.. She no longer cried another tear..
No more pain..
Even though she selfishly left her family in the mist..
They know she’s gone to a better place..
They can understand that this world was to unbearable for her..
Her funeral was beautiful..
The church was filled with all the friends and family she shut out..
They still love her, even though she was so awful to them at times..
They understand she was in pain..
There was a monster inside her..
It was covering up the once lovable teen she was..
That monster died with her that cold night..
That monster won’t be missed
But she will be.. I will always remember her for the great, fun, happy girl she once was..
She was a loving daughter, friend, sister.. and that’s who she will be remembered as...
Never ignore the cry's for help..
There is always help out there for people..
If you are suffering get help before its to late..
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