Colon cleansing diet plan is focused on including healthy, plant based foods, so as to promote expelling toxins from the intestinal tract. The benefits of natural colon cleansing diet are increased stamina, glowing skin and healthy digestive system amongst others.
Colon cleansing is an alternative health approach to get rid of unwanted substances and toxins from the intestinal area. It can be performed by different methods, like taking dietary supplements, conducting a colon hydrotherapy or consuming healthy foods. Finalizing the effective colon cleansing procedure is up to the candidate. While following the colon cleansing diet plan, the main objective is to eat foods that help in flushing out the body toxins, instead of relying on oral formulations.
Colon Cleansing Diet Plan: An Overview
According to alternative medicine, participating in colon cleanse program is a sure way to maintain good health. The proponents opine that toxins buildup in the colon from sources like, processed foods, medicine, environmental pollution and unhealthy habits, etc. are the prime causes for health conditions. To achieve maximum vitality and increased stamina level, body detoxification is necessary on a regular basis. But, how far this claim is justified is still debatable.
In case you are interested in detox diet, always opt for the natural method, by which you can control the food type and serving amount. The objective in deciding colon cleaning diet plan is to include nutritious, healthy food items, thereby maintaining healthy organs that help in body detoxification. This strategy may take some time for showing prompt results, but the plus point is less risk for adverse body reactions. The following points about natural colon cleansing diet plan should be taken into consideration for effective results.
Colon Cleansing Diet Guideline
Any form of homemade colon cleanse that involves drastic change in the regular diet plan is not recommended for lactating women, and people who are weak or have some underlying medical problem. In the colon cleansing diet plan, things to avoid are reducing calorie intake drastically or sticking to a low calorie diet for more than 3 days. In addition to healthy foods, drink lots of water or fat free liquid to help in flushing of the body toxins from the system.
Colon Cleansing Foods
Providing healthy nutrients and at the same time, maintaining normal digestion and regular bowel movement are prime requirements for detoxifying the body. Hence, when we say natural colon cleansing foods, they are basically fresh fruits (apple, orange, dark berries, etc.) and vegetables (broccoli, lettuce, cabbage, squash, etc.) rich in fiber. If possible, shop for pesticide free, organic colon cleansing foods. This is because, most of the regular food items contain some traces of chemicals that are applied during growing.
Colon Cleansing Diet Menu
The best colon cleansing recipes include fruits and vegetables in raw or a near original form. A sample colon cleansing diet menu should resemble the following:
Breakfast - A serving of any of the items, fresh fruits with skin, mixed salads with your favorite fruits or a glass of fruit juice. Drink enough water during breakfast.
Lunch - While sticking to the colon cleansing diet plan, you can devour green salad or vegetable salad with plain olive oil dressing. Avoid using fatty salad dressings that are sold commercially. Drinking water should be considered at any time of the day.
Dinner - Dinner is the time for serving easily digestible foods. The best options are steamed vegetables, or cooked veggies with minimum oil. Do not forget to drink ample amount of water.
Speaking about the best colon cleansing diet plan, you will find a plethora of dieting schemes, which all promise to give good results with minimal side effects. Do not trust quick colon cleansers or oral supplements, as there is no standard regulation for formulating them. Instead, rely on a healthy diet, and allow the body to do its part in getting rid of wastes. This will surely give positive bodily changes without causing long-term negative effects.
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